Eco-Friendly Practices
Clean Air
Smoking, drug, and alcohol use are strictly prohibited at Aunty’s Child Care at all times.
It is also St Louis County law that no smoking occur around children in daycare centers or daycare homes at any hour of the day. Smoking also includes vaping and the use of electronic delivery devices (also known as e-cigarettes or vapes). No staff member will not use any non-prescribed mood-altering medications, illegal drugs, or alcohol during the hours of operation.
We respecfully require that you do not smoke while you transport your child to daycare. Thirdhand smoke will not be tolerated and your child will be sent home if we smell cigarette smoke on him or her. We have students and staff with asthma and need to keep the environment healthy for them!
Cloth Diapers
We are ever striving to to be eco-friendly, so you can imagine the guilt that is associated with knowing that it takes a disposable diaper nearly 500 years to break down! The simplicity of using cloth, combined with feelings of guilt about tossing out a bag of diapers every day, made the choice to be a cloth-friendly daycare a no-brainer! Please do not hesitate to inquire about our cloth diaper policies. We welcome your cloth diapers and wet bag for ease of tranportation.

Homemade Cleaning Supplies
At Aunty’s Child Care, we make some of our own cleaning supplies! In our experience, homemade laundry soap works better than store-bought (it cleans cloth diapers wonderfully), and is unbelievably inexpensive and easy to make! Save money, save the earth, and smell great too!

All-Purpose Cleaner
2 cups of Hot Water
2 teaspoons of Borax
1/2 cup of Castile Soap
32 oz. spray bottle
All ingredients are added directly into the spray bottle. First add the borax, then the hot water, and swirl until the borax is dissolved. Then add the castile soap. Add water SLOWLY until the bottle reaches 32 oz. NOTE – separation is natural, just swirl it up before you use it.
All-Purpose Disinfectant
1 part Vinegar to 3 parts Water
5-8 drops of essential oil or citrus soaked vinegar
32 oz. spray bottle
If using a 32 oz spray bottle, first add 8 oz of vinegar. I use vinegar that has been soaked in orange peels for a yummy scent. Fill the bottle up to the 32 oz marker with water. If you want, add 5-8 drops of essential oil.
All-Purpose Citrus Scrub
1/4 cup of Castile Soap
1 cup of Baking Soda
1 tablespoon of Water
1 tablespoon of vinegar
Optional: 2-3 drops of any essential oil
Mix the baking soda, water, and castile soap with a spoon. ADD THE VINEGAR LAST. Mix well. Scrub away!
Better-Than-OxyClean Liquid Laundry Stain Remover
1 cup of Water
1/2 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide
1/2 cup of Baking Soda
Mix well and apply. Let sit a minimum of 10 minutes before washing.