
Kindegarten Readiness

At Aunty’s Child Care, learning happens through hands on activities all day long! Additionally, we focus on nutrition, sign language, reading, ABCs, identifying rhyming words, sorting objects by color and size, recognizing/writing one’s own name, understanding concepts of first and last, numbers, and word sounds including reading sight words.

Aunty's Primary Goals

Playing With Others
Listening to Directions
Cleaning Up
Paying Attention to Tasks
Appropriately Expressing Feelings
Taking Turns
Respecting Our/Others Space

Fine & Gross Motor Skills

We also work on improving both fine and gross motor skills by incorporating a variety of activities that utilize crayons, pencils, markers, safety scissors, puzzles, games, and more. Gross motor skills such as running, jumping, walking backward, etc. are also practiced! 

Screen Time

Screen time is not typical here, we only allow movies for special occasions, like pajama party day. We utilize the television for movement, such as Cosmic Kids Yoga or Just Dance Kids!

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